Why Dragonfly Integrated Health?
I lost my husband, Brian, suddenly in the summer of 2021 and it changed my life forever. I started seeing dragonflies shortly after he died. Legend says that dragonflies have two sets of wings so angels can ride on their backs. Each time you see a dragonfly it is a reminder that an angel is visiting you! I feel strongly connected to angels and I am who I am today because of the things I have been through. I have learned so much about myself and energy since Brian died. I want to use what I've learned to help others. I hope you will join me!

All About Me
After the birth of my second son, I was starting to feel a little overwhelmed and dissatisfied with my job. I remember thinking one day that there had to be more to life than what I was experiencing right then. I just didn't know what it was. Looking back at that time in my life now, I realize that the Universe was nudging me, but I didn't hear the call.
Losing my husband unexpectedly in the summer of 2021 pushed me headfirst into my awakening. I started experiencing signs and synchronicities right away, but I didn't fully recognize them for what they were. Instead, I felt like I was losing my mind. In an attempt to understand why I lost my husband at such a young age, I started to read about liefe aftere death and near death experiences. I know realize that the Universe was guiding me through friends and Amazon recommendations to start opening up to the other side. The more I read, the more I understood that what I was experiencing were signs from the other side. It brought me comfort knowing that my husband was still around me, even though i would rather have him here. I now understand that he is guiding and helping me.
My own healing journey led to my first Reiki session. I was really curious about this modality, and I wanted to try it again as soon as possible. Initially, I couldn't explain the benefits in a tangible way, I just knew that it was helping me to feel better. After my second Reiki session, I knew that it was something that I wanted to learn so I could help others. That revelation led me to becoming a Reiki Master Teacher and training in hypnotherapy. A few months later I was exposed to Integrated Energy Therapy and I knew it was the right modality for me because of my interest in working with the angels. I am passionate about helping others learn how to heal themselves and their lineage and I would love to help you!